Physician Non-Clinical Career Spotlight: Healthcare Consulting

/ Blog, Non-clinical Career Spotlights

As a physician you’re a healthcare subject matter expert (SME)! This morning, a company executive woke up in need of your expertise AND is willing to pay for it. Your experience is valuable to solve problems in healthcare, pharmaceutical, medical device, media, biotech, and other industries. THERE ARE 3 CATEGORIES OF CONSULTING* 1. Skill-based or medical knowledge consulting. There are

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Am I Wasting My Medical Training If I Leave Clinical Medicine?

/ Blog, Mindset

Are you concerned that you would be wasting some of your medical training if you switched to a non-clinical career? This is a common concern. Here are 5 perspectives for you to consider. 1. Your medical knowledge and clinical skills are highly valued and transferable to other industries. You might see your clinical skills as, “just what I do”, but

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How To Move Beyond The Research Phase of Your Career Transition

/ Blog, Discover Your Path

I know how much you love to research and learn. I do too! However, I often see physicians getting stuck in the research phase of their career transition. Listening to podcasts, reading blogs (like this one!), scrolling through posts in the non-clinical Facebook groups, and browsing through job descriptions can deceive you into thinking you’re making progress. Don’t get me

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