Ask This Question First To Help You Figure Out Your Best-Fit Non-Clinical Job.

/ Blog, Discover Your Path

Have you reviewed lists of non-clinical career options, listened to podcasts, perused job postings, searched google, or even prompted ChatGPT but you don’t know what non-clinical job would best fit you?

I suggest you take a step back.

Instead of asking, “What are my options?” Ask,

“Who am I?” What are my interests, skills, and preferences?

What are your interests?

Pay attention during a typical workday or week. What activities do you enjoy? What gives you energy, even when you’re having a bad day?

NOTE: The question is not, “What does everyone else/patients/colleagues expect me to enjoy?” Be brutally honest with yourself. What parts of your day or interactions do you enjoy? If the answer is none, that’s important information!

Do you enjoy using your “physician brain”?

Do you still enjoy some aspects of patient care?

What are your skills?

You might think all you know is how to be a doctor with X specialty experience. You’re so much more and have many transferable skills!

What are your preferences?

What environment and culture do you thrive in?

What are your non-negotiables? For example, what are your income requirements? Can you move for the ideal job? Do you prefer WFH or hybrid over on-site?

Consider writing down your responses to these questions.

As you review them, what are your thoughts?

How does it feel to ask, “Who” before “What”?

It can be surprisingly challenging to know and own what we really enjoy and want! To help guide your explorations, consider reviewing your responses with a trusted friend or a coach.  

When you’re clear on your interests, transferable skills, and work preferences, take another look at the list of non-clinical options. Narrow down the options. Which ones can you eliminate? Which ones might be a good fit to explore further?

“To be nobody-but-yourself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight.”

E.E. Cummings

4 ways to figure out what you love to do

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