Don’t Know Which Non-Clinical Career Is Right For You? Play A Game Of Survivor And Make A CHOICE

/ Blog, Discover Your Path

Are you feeling stuck and can’t figure out which non-clinical career is right for you?

Consider a game of survivor!

Create a short-list of possible career choices and go to “survivor island.” You will eliminate the choices one-by-one until you have a “survivor.”

Here’s how:

10 steps to a non-clinical career CHOICE:


Make a list of 5 non-clinical roles you’re interested in.

These could be side-gigs, full-time roles, or anything you’re curious about.


Allocate the roles a number from 1-5.


Start with #1 and “Try on” this role for 2 weeks.

“Try on” could mean:

Connect and have conversations with physicians who are in the role, ask to shadow them, sign up for an experience of the role (like chart reviews), volunteer, take a free course, or attend a conference.

Get curious about everything related to that role.

At the end of the 2 weeks, rate role #1 on a scale from 0-10 on each of the following criteria. You can also make up your own criteria.

C: Content. Is the subject matter interesting and important to you?

H: Hours. Rate the hours/schedule. Is this compatible with your lifestyle?

O: Opportunities for growth. Promotion and/or learning opportunities?

I: Impact. What’s the potential impact/change you can make in this role?

C: Colleagues or co-workers. Rate the anticipated daily interactions.

E: Energy. Rate the role on a continuum of energy-depleting to energizing.


Repeat step #3 for each of the remaining 4 roles on your list.


After 12 weeks, add up the CHOICE scores for each of the 5 roles.


Pick the top 3 scoring roles. The other 2 roles must leave survivor island.


Now continue “trying on” the 3 remaining roles for another 1-2 months. Give each role a few hours a day/week.


After 1-2 months, pick the one you have the least enthusiasm for, and it must leave survivor island.


Continue trying on the remaining 2 roles for another 1-2 months.


After 1-2 months, pick the winner and the loser must leave the island.

And Voila! You have a “survivor”!

HT to Josh Spector

“Most of the time you don’t need more information, you need more courage.”

James Clear newsletter 7/20/23

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