From expert to beginner

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“The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habit of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all possibilities.” +

When I transitioned from Medicine to Coaching, my mind had to make the shift from expert, who knew (many of) the answers, to beginner. Not only in the sense of learning a new skill, but also to open my mind to hearing my clients and empowering them to see new possibilities.

We are all born with Beginner’s mind. Picture a 4-year old child seeing something for the first time. The look of wonder, openness to exploration, and the comfort with not knowing. A mind ready to shaped by the moment.

What happens as we grow older? Our learning, life experiences, habits, and beliefs take hold in our minds. These are often necessary to function in the world, but may get restrictive, leading to tunnel vision, and lack of creativity.

Adopting the mind of a Beginner allows us to explore someone else’s world without our biases. We can listen for what’s not being said but wants to be heard.  As we listen, we cease trying to persuade, cajole, and impress. We open the way for compassion and understanding.

Here are some suggestions for how to access your Beginner’s mind

  1. Recognize that every moment is a new beginning. Now is a completely new moment. And Now. This is the beauty of it.
  2. Go deeper into this moment:
  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax your face, jaw, arms and legs. Let the weight of your body sink into your seat.
  • Let go of thoughts and plans. You can attend to them later. Just feel what it’s like to have a break from them.
  • Place your awareness on your breath and receive it as it comes and goes, in and out of your body.
  • With each breath, feel how it’s totally new. Here one moment, gone the next.
  • Then bring your awareness to the sensations in your hands or feet.

What are you feeling that you have never felt before?

  • Notice the sounds around you.

Can you hear the silence before the sound arises?

  • When you are done, open your eyes.

3. What do you see, hear, or sense with a fresh mind?

When we look at a situation with Beginner’s mind, we can stop clinging to past knowledge as the truth. In the present moment of awareness, we can explore a fresh approach, create a space in our mind for a new possibility. In this space of possibility, new creations and solutions arise.


+ Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Adapted from: Henry Shukman. Introduction to the Koan way. Practice accessed on Waking Up.

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