How Do Physicians Become More Deliberate and Intentional?

/ Blog, Mindset

I was asked this question recently and it’s an important one. I would like to share my reflections with you.

It takes years of training, hard work, and dedication to become a physician.While this focus is essential to reach competency, at some point you may come up for air and ask,

“Is my career going where I want it to go?”

To live deliberately, with intention and purpose, requires pausing regularly to reflect and do a mini audit of where you are and where you’re going.

Here are 5 prompts to guide you.

1. On a scale from 1-10, how satisfied are you with the following aspects of your life: relationships, career, health, home environment, finances?

In each of these areas, what do you need to do now to help you get from your current “score” to where you want to go?

2. Who are you becoming and are you happy with that?

3. What are your core values and guiding principles? Are you living in alignment with them?

The person who entered medical school may have had different priorities than the physician you have become. Recognize this and make the changes necessary to honor your core values.

4. Questions to uncover purpose.

What do I want to be remembered for?

What mastery do I want to share with the world?

What am I interested in, what does the world need, and how can I help?

5. Future and past self-reflection*.

  • What is it you know now or have done now that you wish you had known or done 10 years ago?
  • 10 years from now, what will you regret if you don’t learn or do now?

* H.T. to Chip Conley

Practical tips.

Take time to sit undisturbed with these reflections.

Journal the responses. This helps release what’s top of your mind to allow deeper truths to emerge.

Once you’ve set the intentions of who you want to become and where you want to be, create the goals and daily habits to help you stay on track.

In Summary.

Are you going where you want to go?

If yes, how can you make sure you stay on track?
If not, can you pause and figure out your new direction?

In this interview with John Jurica, I discuss strategies to help you discover your true desires and pursue them effectively.

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

– Steve Jobs

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