Who’s running your show?

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A business coach recently asked me, “who’s running your show?”. I responded with certainty. “I am.” I am a business of ONE.

He then followed up with, “who’s in charge of marketing and sales right now?” I paused. Then I saw which part of me likes to take over marketing and selling: The part of me that considers talking or writing about my talents and skills to be boastful and self-centered.

This part of me clearly needed to be assigned another role in the business.

This led me to consider how all the parts of me are showing up in my business. Like characters in a stage production: The lead actor, supporting cast, and technical assistants. They have all played a critical role in getting me to this point. But the show is going on the road and their roles need to be clarified. They’re all coming along, but some will serve me better backstage, managing lighting and sound, or doing make-up.

One character that needs a more suitable role is the Inner Critic. His name is the Colonel. His costume is a khaki outfit, medals pinned on the lapel, and shiny black shoes. Baton in hand, cap on head, and standing tall, he yells commands. When he takes centerstage, he’s brutal and disruptive. He tells me I’m not good enough, that I need to work harder, pushing me to burnout. I have moved him into the role of stage manager. In this role, he brings the gifts of discipline and rigor. He helps me create a routine to get the work done.

Another character up for re-casting is the Perfectionist. She’s a skinny white woman with glasses who wears a perfectly pressed business suit, every day, even on the weekends. When she gets on center stage, she sabotages the production by censoring every thought and word, tweaking them to near-perfection. As a result, creativity and intuition are forced backstage, and the performance is compromised. I have moved her to the role of office manager. In this role, she uses her gifts to keep track of administrative details and helps to minimizes errors on invoices.

The lead actor is wise, creative, and intuitive. She’s on a hero’s journey, ensuring the business fulfills its mission.  With her cast of strong supporting characters, she’s stepping onto center stage with grace and courage.

What characters are on your journey with you?

What roles have they been playing?

What are their gifts?

Where will they better serve you?

Further reading:

Debbie Ford, The dark side of the light chasers

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